BetaFPV Canopy


€ 5,23
Unfortunately, the variant cannot be bought, as there are no more in stock
Prices are incl. VAT

Vær opmærksom på: Ingen Canopy'er er ens*, derfor kan billedet afvige en smule fra selve produktet, men temaet er det samme: Flammer, graffiti, ondskab, galaxe & kamæleon. 

*Canopy'erne ser ikke ens ud, da der printes/presses flere Canopy'er ud fra én plade. 


  • This plastic canopy is still low enough to look down between the ducts to drop thru small slots or gaps.
  • Holds the camera securely and eliminates the chance of tearing a SMD component of the board with aggressive double sided tapes.
  • All stock hardware is used, super simple installation.